We used to call them books-on-tape, way back when. Of course, that was well before CDs, not to mention digital streaming. These days, people call them audiobooks (which, to be honest, is a much better name). An audiobook gives you the ability to read a book by, well, listening to it. It’s kind of like […]
Remember the old story of Johnny Appleseed? In elementary school, you may have been taught that he migrated across the US, bringing the gift of healthy apples to every community he paid a visit to (the moral of the story is that apples are healthy, and you should eat them). Actually, that isn’t the whole […]
Have you ever been in the middle of the road and your car breaks down? That really stinks! Your car has to be safely pulled to the side of the road. And then, for some reason, you probably pop your hood and take a look at your engine. Humorously, you still do this even though […]
When it comes to history, there are three distinct types of people: those who are very interested and fascinated by history, those whose eyes glaze over and they begin to fall asleep when history is mentioned, and people who think that aliens are responsible for history. Aliens aren’t behind the history of hearing aids. But […]
Even if you have an active, healthy lifestyle, you could experience hearing loss and certain cognitive concerns as you get older. And scientists have discovered a strong connection between the two that shouldn’t be dismissed and it will help if you don’t turn that hearing aid off. Individuals with untreated hearing loss are twice as […]
Have you ever experienced an itch that you just couldn’t scratch? You might think about this in a couple of different ways: The first thing you might think about is that bucket list item you just never seem to get to. Or, if you’re a little less of a romantic, you consider that spot on […]
Musicians rock. Their performances bring us so much happiness. But music is a lot more powerful when it’s loud, and that can be a hearing risk. The musicians themselves are at an increased danger of hearing damage since they are subjected to loud music just about every day. As you grow older, you’ll still want […]
Hearing loss is challenging, if not impossible, to self-diagnose. To illustrate, you can’t really evaluate your level of hearing by simply putting your ear near a speaker. So getting a hearing test will be vital in understanding what’s happening with your hearing. But there’s no need to be concerned or stress out because a hearing […]
Most individuals don’t want to talk about the impact hearing loss has on relationships, even though it’s an issue many people deal with. Both partners can feel aggravated by the misunderstandings that are caused by hearing loss. This is the perfect time for you to show your love and appreciation for your loved one with […]
Have you ever seen a t-shirt advertised as “one size fits all” but when you went to put it on, you were discouraged to find that it didn’t fit at all? That’s really frustrating. The fact is that there’s almost nothing in the world that is truly a “one size fits all”. That’s not only […]