It’s likely that you’ve already observed that you don’t hear as well as you used to. Usually, we don’t even realize that our decisions are negatively impacting our hearing. With a few simple lifestyle changes, many kinds of hearing loss can be prevented. Let’s explore six unexpected secrets that will help you protect your hearing. […]
Roughly two million workplace injuries are reported every year. Usually, we think about a hand caught in a piece of machinery or a flying projectile when we consider work-related injuries. But the most prevalent workplace injury is a lot more insidious and often goes unreported. Over several years, it will sneak up slowly on people. […]
Cranking up the volume doesn’t always resolve hearing loss issues. Here’s something to consider: Lots of people are unable to hear conversations even though they are able to hear soft sounds. The reason for this is hearing loss frequently occurs unevenly. Certain frequencies get lost while you can hear others perfectly fine. Hearing Loss Comes […]